Afrocentricity: Generations of Theory in Practice

Aaron X. Smith, Ph.D.
Jabali Ade, Ph.D.
Temple University

Call For Papers


Afrocentricity: Generations of Theory in Practice- is a scholarly monograph comprised of 20 original essays by distinguished Afrocentric scholars, writers, educators, and others. Since 1980, the Afrocentric theory has been highly influential, particularly in reshaping perspectives on African history, culture, and identity. This groundbreaking theoretical paradigm has played a crucial role in challenging Eurocentric narratives and expanding existing academic disciplines.

Afrocentricity has been credited with the shaping and reshaping of worldviews, teaching methodologies, and research approaches. In Afrocentricity: Generations of Theory in Practice, we identify how the Afrocentric framework is used today. Through testimonial contributions of leading Afrocentric scholars, across the nation and throughout the world, this text seeks to explore the significant impacts of Afrocentric scholarship on academia, cultural movements, and relevant discussions on representation, identity, and liberation.
This book gathers some of today's leading Afrocentric scholars to discuss how Afrocentricity continues to influence their work, their lives, and the world.

Topics are open to your discretion and may also include any of the following:

  • Afrocentricity rerouting your academic trajectory
  • Location and Disciplinary suicide
  • Book Banning and other current attacks on Afrocentricity
  • Personal testimonials regarding the transformative impacts of Afrocentricity
  • The Afrocentric concept of victorious consciousness
  • Afrocentricity in pop culture
  • Afrocentricity and Reparations
  • Afrocentricity in the Future

Submission Due Dates
Abstracts: April 10th, 2024      Length: 5,000 words (~200 pages, double-spaced)
Papers: June 10th, 2024           Style: APA 7th Edition

Dr. Aaron X. Smith
Temple University
Department of Africology and African American Studies
111 W. Pollett Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19122

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